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The Sweet Spot MI

Supplementing The School Day

Our youth are not receiving enough physical activity at school.  A large portion of our youth's day is spent in a desk.  With a lack of time in Physical Education classes along with fewer recess minutes, the burden of increasing physical activity is forced to other parts of the day.  To take this on we need to find ways to increase physical activity for our children. Millions of American families turn to organized youth sports. 

The "Sweet Spot"

The “Sweet Spot” is when you are able to ensure your child is receiving a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity daily. The 60 minutes of physical activity daily consists of mostly moderate to vigorous activity.  The Sweet Spot is your child finding enjoyment through physical activity. The school day is likely supplemented through organized sport or by other means the family has structured.  In the Sweet Spot, the child greatly decreases the chances of negative health concerns connected with an inactive lifestyle while also reaping the benefits of being physically active. Through careful planning, families should be able to guide their child through this development where the child has built a positive relationship with physical activity and organized sport that last through adolescence and beyond.

Athlete Burnout

There is a growing trend of our highly active and elite youth becoming burned out. This happens when there is a shift away from what is best for the child such as having fun and developing through movement in the present and in the long-term. The focus then moves on to winning, competing, gaining an advantage over their peers, and long term goals such as a college scholarship.  While it is great to win, compete, and work hard towards a goal, there becomes a point where it is not in the best interest of the child.  Specializing a child to one sport at a young age and over-training that child can lead to overuse injuries. Growing pressures and stressors from coaches and parents can build to a point where the child loses enjoyment, becomes burned out, and walks away from organized sports. This isn’t healthy for a child and can fracture the child’s relationship with physical activity. 

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