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Mr. Dover

Welcome to My Teacher Page


I am the Physical Education Teacher at Michael T. Simmons Elementary located in Tumwater, Washington.

Contact Information

Shane Dover


Grade Level: Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Office Phone: 360-709-7113


Twitter: @MrDoverPE


Michael T. Simmons Elementary

Address: 1205 2nd Ave. SW Tumwater, WA 98512

Phone: (360) 709-7100


Tumwater School District

Address: 621 Linwood Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98512

Phone: (360) 709-7000

Parents Contact Me



PE Office: 360-709-7113


Reasons to Contact:

  • Discuss student performance and behavior in class.

  • Brainstorm methods to get the most out of your child in regards to PE and physical fitness.

  • Inform me of any injuries or illness that may keep your child from participating.

  • Volunteer to help in class with Fitness Testing.

  • Volunteer to participate in Field Day.

  • Find out more information about Little Wolves Basketball Camp.

  • Find out more information about the Kids Heart Challenge.


Professional Biography



Central Washington University: Athletic Administration Masters Degree, 2019

Central Washington University: Physical Education Bachelors Degree, 2010

Black Hills High School: 2005



Tumwater School District: Michael T. Simmons Elementary, 2014-Current

Olympia School District: L.P. Brown Elementary and Boston Harbor Elementary, 2012-2014

ESD 113: Substitute Teacher, 2010-2012



OSPI: Professional Teaching Certificate, 2017



High School Sports

Black Hills High School Boy's Basketball: Assitant Coach and JV Head Coach, 2010-Current

Rochester High School Football: Offensive Coordinator, 2013-2015

Black Hills High School Football: JV Head Coach and Varsity Offensive Line Coach, 2010-2012

Black Hills High School Football: Varsity Defensive Line Coach, 2006


Youth Sports

Little Wolves Basketball Camp: Coach 2010-Current

Earl Thomas Football Camp: Coach 2013

Jonathan Stewart Football Camp: Coach 2011-2012

Thurston County Youth Football: Assitant Coach 2001-2004, 2006,2010

Tumwater Recreation Basketball: 2003-2004, 2006, 2010


Parks and Recreation:

Olympia Parks and Recreation: Summer Kids In Parks Program (SKIPP) 2012,2014-2017

Lacey Parks and Recreation: Playground Pals, 2013

MTS Physical Education


With the limited time your children have in my Physical Education class, I try and make the most of it.  All classes hit the ground running literally, as we start with one song warmups of running, skipping, or galloping or other locomotor movements in every class. With every class, I have multiple goals. I want every student to raise their heart rates for an extended period of time and will do so in various ways. Another goal is to teach them skills and inform them of content that will keep them moving in my class, outside of my class, into middle school and high school, and into adulthood.  Our younger students (K-2) are constantly learning new ways to move their bodies in many different locomotor movements and to do so safely.  We also spend time focusing on basic skills such as moving in space safely, kicking a soccer ball, dribbling basketballs and soccer balls, throwing and catching yarn balls, gator skin balls, frisbees, footballs, and foxtails, etc., as well as other skills such as balance and jumping.   While our older students (3-5) participate in our Focused Fitness curriculum that teaches them about the Five Components of Fitness, Nutrition, Muscles, and Bones.  Our older grades also participate in Fitness testing. The events we test are the MTS Mile Run, Pacer, Sit-ups, Sit and Reach, and Push-Ups while also collecting data on height and weight.  We Pre-Test in the Fall, set goals in the Winter, and Post-test in the Spring. Parents will receive these scores twice a year as I send home Fitness Report Cards with their student's regular Report Cards. All grade levels also work on cooperative team games that focus on teamwork, offense, defense, strategy, communicating, and how to handle winning and losing. Yearly my classes also participate in Kids Heart Challenge (Formerly known as "Jump Rope for Heart" and "Hoops for Heart"). This is an opportunity for classes to spend time working on their heart health, learning about their heart, as well as have an option to fundraise for the American Heart Association. In 2019, we set an all-time MTS high by raising over $8,000 in donations. In all of my classes, there is a constant theme of fun, respect, and doing your personal best. The more my students have fun learning and moving in my classes, the better chance I have of getting them motivated to have fun and move outside of my class whether that be at recess, at home, or through organized sports. 

Watch: Introduction to Physical & Health Literacy

Click Here to View Mr. Dover's PE Rules

  • Appropriate Shoes & Clothes

  • Follow Class Rules and Procedures

  • Bring a Positive Attitude

  • Be Ready To Move

  • Help Make The Gym A Safe Place

  • Be A Great Teammate

  • Be Ready To Have Fun! 


Click the Logo to visit the Focused Fitness Website

 Students Can Access Their Fitness Scores With Their Student ID And Last Name To Log In At Focused Fitness

Here Is The Fitness Standards Based On Age And Gender

Physical Education Standards.JPG

Here is a Public Wish List from Amazon where you can select items to purchase for the Michael T. Simmons Physical Education Program.

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