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Navigating the Website





Home Page: This is where you will find a brief overview of the three major takeaways I had from my research for this website.


More: This will provide further information to the major takeaways presented on the home page.


About: This will provide the mission and purpose of the Kids Need Balance Website.


Navigating the Website: Site Map.


Terminology: Defined terminology surrounding the topic of youth physical activity.


Literature: Links to literature that was used in the creation of this website.


About Me: Get to know more about me, the creator of the Kids Need Balance Website.


Mr. Dover Teacher Page: My Teaching page for my students and their parents.


My Program: Gives details about my Athletic Administration Master's Degree Program.  


Activity Spectrum: This gives a scale to see where your child falls on the Physical Activity Spectrum.


Too Little: Child receiving under 60 minutes a day of physical activity.


Active Non-Athlete: Non-Sport participant that receives 6o minutes of physical activity and is happy and healthy.


The Sweet Spot: Child is active, finds enjoyment in sport, and reaps the benefits of a physically active lifestyle. 


Elite and Healthy: Child can maintain a year-round sports schedule while also avoiding burnout and overuse injuries. 


Too Much: Child is losing enjoyment and becomes burned out from sports



Parental Advice: My researched based opinion I would offer to parents to help aid the development of their child through physical activity and organized sport.



Evaluate: How to determine the amount of physical activity your child is receiving.


SHAPE America Washington Fact Sheet: Information on physical education in Washington State.


Ways to Add Physical Activity: Different methods to add physical activity into your child's life. 


Navigating Organized Sport: What to know when signing up your child for organized sports.


Parenting a Youth Athlete: Pointers on how to parent a youth athlete.


Changing the Game in Youth Sports: Ted Talk Video: John O'Sullivan at TEDxBend


Professional Opinions: Statements from professionals in the field of physical activity, organized sport, and physical education.


Resources: Quick access to resources that may be able to further aid families in developing their youth through physical activity and organized sport.


Local Sports: Youth sports resources from Thurston County, Washington.


Local Non-Sports:  Non-sports physical activity resources from Thurston County, Washington.


Washington State: Resources across Washington State.


National: National organizations that specialize in this field.




Things to Know: 10 research-based points for families to know. 


Kids in The Sweet Spot: This section is available for families to share photos or videos of their children in the "Physical Activity Sweet Spot."


Recent News: Recent articles involving youth physical activity and youth sports.


Donations: Foundations you can contribute to help our youth become more active.


Comments: Please leave a comment on my website.



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